Mövenpick Hotel, Amman -Jordan

We are delighted to announce, on behalf of GFI AWARD, that
applying for the GFI AWARD 2024 is now open. Applying will be
open for this week – so have your say now and ensure you’ve
submitted your application before the 25 AUGUST 2024.
GFI AWARDS 2024 is an annual event in Jordan organized by AFAQ
GROUP under the endorsement of the International financial
Through the experience of AFAQ International in financial awards
criteria within successive 25 years with international financial
companies; this year the event is held on 03-04 September 2024 in
Amman- Jordan.
Recognizing The Best Of The Best In The Finance Industry
GFI Awards aim to celebrate all that is entrepreneur and innovative
within the leading brands in the online trading(FX), fintech,
banking, digital assets, blockchain, and payments sphere and we
would encourage you to browse through the rest of the awards site
and see where the excellence in your organization can become a
nomination in the awards process. ‘Old hands’ and new entrants
have equal chances to write a new chapter in the story of the
Entrepreneur GFI Awards by nominating those pioneers who are
new and exciting in the financial services.
Your participation in GFI Awards 2024 would be greatly appreciated
and definitely a meaning full contribution to the success of this
The judging panel is made up of internationally recognized and
respected judges from a variety of related sectors and disciplines.
The panel is carefully selected to ensure the judging process is fair
and objective.
The judges are bound by a strict confidentiality agreement and are
required to declare any conflict of interest in entries over which they
deliberate and stand aside from deliberations concerning those
Judging Procedure
After the closing date for submissions all nominations will be
collected and reviewed by our panel of judges guaranteeing
objectivity and credibility.
The judges will use the published criteria against which to score the
entry. Each Award winner will be decided by consensus among the
judges and no correspondence will be entered into by outside
parties. Judging will be based on the strength of the submissions
and according to the Award key criteria.
The judges will then submit their individual scores which are
collated and a shortlist created and winners selected. Winners will
be announced only on the night of the Awards ceremony itself. The
judges’ decision is final and neither the organizers nor the judging
panel will enter into any correspondence about the results. The
judges reserve the right to choose the nomination location of each
We recognize and respect the sensitive nature of the information
submitted in the entries. Entries are not disclosed or discussed
outside the judging process. We do not publish the names of
companies, organizations or individuals that have not won an
Award, nor will we reproduce any information from your entry.
Therefore, if you enter the Awards, but are not successful, this will
remain confidential.
In addition, entrants may mark any commercially sensitive
information contained in their entry as ‘not for publication’. All
entries and supporting material will be destroyed after the Awards
presentation. The organizers reserve the right to use information
contained in the winning entries (apart from contact details and
any content marked not for publication) for subsequent publicity,
- Fill the application for the award.
- Choose which categories you would like to nominate.
- Complete the entry form and submit it to:
- Pay for your entries by 25th Aug 2024. in order for them to be
submitted for the judging process. - Non- JFEX Expo participants can participate in 1 nomination.
- Exhibitor of JFEX Expo can participate in 4 nominations (Including The
Broker Of The Year). - Sponsor of JFEX Expo can participate in 6 nominations (Including The
Broker Of The Year).
How much does it cost to enter?
- Award entry – $ 5000 (Non JFEX EXPO Participant)
- Award entry – Free (Expo Participant)
- An invoice will be sent to you by post within the next five working days.
- Payment can also be made by calling the Events Team on
(+962) 79 914 1718.
The entry deadline
The closing date for all entries is 01 Sep 2024.